Intra-bike conflict

In the words of Jonathan Franzen when he told that boring story about birds at the beginning of his keynote speech, this story ‘doesn’t really do anything.’ But anyway, it entertained me for the morning.  

‘Stay in the lines!’ a woman yelled at two people riding side-by-side along Canning St. They were blocking her way and riding outside the bike lane boundaries.

‘We’re talking, ok, get over it!’ he yelled back angrily.

‘Get over yourself and your lycs [lycra!]’ she snarled.

‘Just ride safely!’ he said righteously.

She finally passed them, riding up into the Carlton gardens.

‘Illegal riding, good one!’ said the guy sarcastically.

She turned back at them, smiled wildly and whooped, shouting something incomprehensible.

That’s right. She actually whooped. When was the last time you heard one of them?